The house in 1938:
Another from 1938 - with 3 front doors:

1938: The well that she is pumping from is still out there and still works!
The family in 1954. The man who came to our house is the baby! The longer chicken coop in the background is still out there (the other buildings have been removed) and the 2 apple trees in the picture are now HUGE.
1954: There was a screened-in porch on the front, and a storm took down the tree that took down the porch. The ladder in the background is still in the barn, and the front door pictured is the same one we still have!
1954 family photo. The fenceline location is now home to huge evergreens.

We were so appreciative of the former owner for sharing these with us - I'm still working on thinking of a nice way to display these in our house!
This is SO AWESOME and makes me want to go buy a little farmhouse!